Sunday 22 December 2013

Where have I been???

So the blogposts have slowed and the Youtube videos have ceased. I’ve moved house (finally!) and purchased my first ever home. The process was slow, stressful, anxious and I never want to do it again (well at least for the next 5 years). I may do a video or blogpost on saving because I managed to save up for some of my deposit and my parents helped with the remaining. So I have been soooo busy at work it was ridiculous! Now I have a fortnight off work I will be filming and blogging like a crazy lady. So I will have some interesting upcoming blogposts and videos. Already got a hairstyle tutorial idea in my head and a 2 month update (time has flown!) on my wig to film. A blogpost wouldn’t be complete without a hair picture. So here is mine:

I have neglected my hair soooo badly and my edges are thinning due to lack of care *sigh*. I doubt I will even bother to do a length check in February because I feel this is a setback L. But I will be back! I want to purchase new products and do a wholleee new regimen. I love protective styling with my wigs but can’t help but think it is contributing to laziness which is contributing to me failing to keep up with my hair regimen. I will keep you posted on what I am doing with my hair to get it back to it’s healthy state and how it is working.

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